Friday 20 January 2012

w.h.A.T I.S.a.G.I.r.l.S

hai semua..
Treat her like shes more than you want.. 
More than you could ever dream and more than she thinks she is... 
Like she's everything you've ever wanted.. 
Make sure you speak to her sweeter and love her deeper be true 
and be kind she's more than just a girl... 
She's and angel without wings, she's the sweetest thing in the world 
and is more precious than a thousand roses... 
girls never frown because you never know when someone 
is falling in love with your smile, 
Let her know you care let her know by doing 
something special for her call her every night just to make sure everything alright and to remind her you still care..
always wish her the sweetest dreams... 
When she cries let your shoulder be the first she rests her head upon, 
and cry with her, letting her know shes not alone, 
when she laughs let you be the first to hear her, 
when shes down help her laugh but most of all guys...
when you tell her you love her let her see the tears in your eyes.

Monday 2 January 2012

L.o.V.e I.s I.r.o.N.i.C

Love is ironic.
Only when you hurt someone they realize they truly love you. 
We shall always fall in love with the people who break our hearts. 
Love gushes out of the ruptures of a 
broken heart and then sends shivers to the whole of our existence. 

Love has to come out somehow and that is 
usually through pain and hurting. 
A heart which is unwilling to be broken, 
is unable to love. 

Similarly, if you cannot break someone's heart, 
it is a sign that they shall never truly love you
value of a relation is not that how much one feels happy with someone
but it the emptiness which one feels without someone..

never wait until tomorrow to hug someone you could hug today..
if i could give you one thing in life, i would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
only then would you realized how special you are to me..
three things i want in a relationship;

1)eyes that won't cry
2)lips that won't lies
3)love that won't die....

love allows you to see the good in a person,
when no one else does...
i love having this one special person who can make me smile when i'm at my worst,
who can make me laugh just by saying ' I Love U',
who can kiss me when he wants to,
who can tell me that i'm beautiful,
who can give me the best butterflies,
who i know will always be here for me...
a man waits his whole life for a woman he'll spend the rest of his life waiting on

Sunday 1 January 2012

NeW yEar 2012 with Loves....

salam..Happy New Year Eve's kawan-kawan sume...

tercapai ke azam kwn2 tahun lepas??....n apa azam kwn2 utk tahun 2012 ni plak??

humm...semoga kt sume akan berusaha utk memenuhi azam kt pd tahun ni..kenangan y lepas tu biarkan la ianya berlalu....let pass gone by pass..lives for the future..

tahun ni azam baru cha, first thing cha nk completing study cha kat Uitm Shah Alam ni on time n belajar cha nk mulakan hidup cha y baru bersama si dia...cha nk lupakan kenangan silam cha...hopefully we can do our best for this new relation..insyaallah..we are juz pray n may Almighty Allah s.w.t bless us..amin..

hahhaa.....dah2 sentimental segmen da abes...skrg cha nk cter pasal celebration new year cha bersama si dia semlm dkt I-city Shah Alam....kwn2 cha sape y g I-city semlm??seronok kan tgk fireworks dy??even sekejap 5 min tp bunga api kat I-city sgt cantik compared to bunga api kat dataran shah alam...even dataran nye bunga api nye duration lg lame dr I-city nye bunga api....semlm sempatla cha amek video bunga api tu even da part ter'miss' sket....

hah.....cantik kan??? plak picture y cha sempat snap sketla..

cantikkan???hehehe....pemandangan ni lg cantik bile dihayati bersama-sama dgn org y kt sayang...hummm...i loves him..:)

k....hopefully tahun 2012 ini akan lebih bermakna dr tahun-tahun y lepas....marila kt semua mewarna warnikan hidup kt dgn mengisi ruang-ruang kosong itu dgn kenangan-kenangan y penuh bermakna...dan tidak lupa jugak amalan-amalan y sgt2 kt perlukan untuk dibawa bekalan ke alam akhirat..insyaallah,..amin....wasalam...